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Partnering With Family First Chiropractic Makes People Healthier in West Omaha,

By November 6, 2023January 8th, 2024No Comments

Partnering With Family First Chiropractic Makes People Healthier | Chiropractor in West Omaha, NE

Hi, I’m Dr. Joel Marley with Family First Chiropractic and I’m here to share with you the benefits of being under regular chiropractic care and how this care makes people healthier. I like to think that it’s so much easier to keep people healthy than it is to fix broken adults’ health. We’re good at getting people healthy, but our passion is once somebody’s healthy, teaching them how to sustain health over time. Now, if somebody’s sick, the longer they stay sick, the more unhealthy they become. Now the same is true, the healthier someone is and the longer they stay healthy, the healthier they become. So before you can first get sick or unhealthy, you must be first not well, or not healthy. So how do we improve upon wellness?

Taking Ownership of Your Health

I believe that as a doctor it’s not about health care, me just doing it for you, but it’s us doing it together. Which may call for some self care. As a health coach, and not only as a chiropractor, we hold you accountable. In the recent studies on families that are under regular chiropractic care, it was found that they had better health outcomes overtime. This was no surprise, but one thing that really stuck out during this study was families under collaborative care tend to make better decisions. They make better decisions on their meal choices, they might not just hit a drive thru, they might actually get together as a family and prepare a meal. They won’t skip workouts or walks, they’ll know that they’re going to be reporting back to their family chiropractor on a regular basis about their lifestyle choices. As the doctor, I can’t walk for you, I can’t brush your teeth for you, I can’t work out for you. What we can do is help hold you accountable. So as a as a health coach, we offer in house workshops on various lifestyle habits like raising healthy children and promoting healthy posture. One of our jobs is to teach you how to get well but then really, to educate you to sustain it yourself.

So with that being said, we meet with our practice members regularly to touch base with them. Once you get well it’s so much easier to stay well, but remember, it’s a partnership. This is how we do it a Family First Chiropractic!

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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