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3 Most Common Running Injuries in West Omaha, NE

By October 23, 2023January 8th, 2024No Comments

3 Most Common Running Injuries | Sports Chiropractor in West Omaha, NE

Hi, I’m Dr. Joel Marley with Family First Chiropractic, and I’m here to talk to all of the runners today. I’m personally a jogger, that means less distance usually compared to my runners. I’m here to talk about not the broken bones, not the injuries that result in an emergency room visit, but I’m here to talk about the most common running injuries, repetitive stressors to your body’s tissues, joints and spinal column.

The Most Common Running Injuries

The first most common sports injuries that we see in our practice is over doing it! You’re trained for six miles, and you tried to do 10, that’s an opportunity right there to overdo it. You’re weekend warriors, if you’re trained for a mile and you try to do three, that’s an opportunity to expose a weakness and overdo it which causes an injury. So if you’re trained for a specific distance, or length of time, stick with that to prevent overuse. So know your training regimen. Number two, tightness. We are tight and weak at the same time, maybe in the quadriceps muscles. This is the front part of your leg from your hip to your knee. Now these get weak, especially when we are only running in one direction, straightforward. This can set yourself up to meniscus injuries where improper foot placement can sideline you. Okay, the third is hip injuries. Now what we see is when hip alignment is off in the posture exams that we conduct in our office, that lets us know the balance of the pelvis. Thus how you are going to stride how your gait is when you walk and more. If it’s off it will inherently impact how your feet hit the ground and if that would be off. So it’s wise to have your spine and pelvis checked by a chiropractor to make sure proper alignment happens to prevent and stop these symptoms.

With that being said, you can check this yourself. Grab your favorite old pair of running shoes, flip them over and look at the wear patterns and look at the scuffed patterns that can give you an indicator if your alignment is on or not. If it’s off, come check us out!

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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