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Tracy’s Story

Regaining Control of Your Life With Chiropractic Care

Joint Pain. Hip pain. Knee pain. Whatever the pain is- Don’t let it take control of your life!

Regaining Control Over Your Life With Chiropractic Care in West Omaha, NE. Tracy's Chiropractic Story.

Tracy’s Chiropractic Story:

“I initially came here hoping to get a better range of motion in my left hip. I had been dealing with pain for about a decade, but it became worse over the last few years. I had gone from leading an active lifestyle and hiking with my family to barely having any energy, not being able to walk and struggling to get into my car. I was basically disabled and was led to assume that it was just because I was “getting older”. I had tried exercise, weight loss, cortisone shots, and over-the-counter medications but nothing helped with the pain, so I just kept trying to push through, until my trainer, Jason, suggested I try Family First.

After starting adjustments in the office, I almost instantly felt better. I was experiencing less pain and I was able to start getting back into the things that I enjoy. I did eventually end up getting that hip replaced and was absolutely amazed at how quickly I recovered from the surgery. I know that the chiropractic care I had received before and after my surgery played a key role in my speedy recovery. I am happy to report that I can take unlimited walks without pain, hike with my family, and work out 5-6 times a week! I have also seen improvements with my immune system and I can’t recall the last time I was sick.

Throughout my time at Family First, I have learned how important it is to take care of yourself. Everyone knows that, but we all need reminders sometimes. The message that you must take control of your own health from the Get Better Results Faster workshop still sticks with me today. No one else can do that for you! I love the positive reinforcement and accountability that you receive from the entire team at Family First Chiropractic. Everyone at the office is always professional, fun, and easy to work with and I am thankful that they have played a role in getting me back to the activities I enjoy.”

Want to learn more about Conquering Joint Pain – attend our workshop on June 26 at 5:30pm. Register today!

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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