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Sherry’s Story

Living Life Without Compromise – Regular Chiropractic Care Has Made All The Difference

Regular chiropractic care is not just about reducing pain and increasing health. It’s about being able to do the things that bring us joy without pain and compromise.

It is often a goal in life to do the things you love without issue. Some people love to work hard, physically. They love to spend time with their family. They love to play games and compete. And as we grow older, our hope is to continue to do these things without limitations. However, it is common that as people age, they slow down. The life they have lived, doing the things they love, has unintentionally slowed them down. Misalignments of the spine caused by the daily activities they do have created interference in their body’s ability to heal and function. If left unaddressed, it can rob them of living the life they desire. If corrected by a chiropractor, they have the hope of doing the things they love.

Here’s an inspiring story about not giving up on your body and on living the life you’d like to live:

Sherry, age 73

“I have lived a very active life working in construction and, on the farm, taking care of animals. When I got hurt 20+ years ago at work it started the downward spiral of pain. Initially I tried chiropractic and when that didn’t seem to be working the medical doctors said surgery. I said no and no shots either! I just dealt with the pain. I did try taking hydrocodone to mask the pain and melatonin so I could get to sleep. My daily life was constant pain all over, especially in my left hip. It felt like a cinder block was sitting on it. I couldn’t sit through a game of cards or dominoes with the family without having to get up due to the pain.

It was after I had to get up several times during card games that Dustin and Dolores told me I should visit their chiropractor that they have had great results with. I decided to go ahead and give it a try. It had been a while since I had been to one. Now that I’ve been getting adjusted regularly, I have noticed I no longer have my debilitating hip pain. I was able to sit through the family games when they came back to visit. I no longer take medications for pain, and I can fall asleep without melatonin. In fact, just today I was feeding horses, pitching hay and taking care of the chickens without issues. My goal is to continue doing these things so I will maintain my regular adjustment schedule.

I would like to tell people to get help early! Don’t Wait! The difference at Family First Chiropractic is that they provide consistent care. They are like family- genuine people who truly care about you.

Take heed of Sherry’s advice and Schedule for your initial appointment today!

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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