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Samantha’s Story

Living The Life We Want – With Chiropractic Care

Corrective chiropractic care is not just about reducing pain and increasing health. It’s about being able to live the life we want to live.

Family First Chiropractic Near Me in West Omaha, NE. Samantha's Chiropractic Success Story.

Our favorite thing to hear about with our patients is when they can get back to doing the things they love. Samantha’s story is one just like that!

Samantha’s story:

“I was born with congenital hip dysplasia & had corrective surgery twice by the time I was 4 years old. I have always known that my recovery would be a lifetime process & commitment. I was a dancer growing up, which I have been told by countless doctors is the worst thing for my condition. I’ve spent over 10 years in physical therapy, weight training programs, & chiropractors offices; trying to build strength around my hips, knees, & lower back to help relieve my constant pain/discomfort & heal related injuries. I’ve also suffered from intense chronic migraines for much of my teen & adult life.

When I moved to Nebraska for college, my treatment & health took a back seat, which lead to constant pain & discomfort along with the return of debilitating migraines. It got to the point where I couldn’t enjoy some of my favorite things in life anymore like dancing, yoga, & hiking. At my peak health, I could do a 10-mile hike in the mountains & one day I found myself literally hobbling during a 2-mile walk….that was my wake up call. My cousins referred me to FFC after they had mind-blowing results & I figured why not.

I remember my first consultation with Dr. Joel, I had never felt so heard by a doctor when talking about my condition & experience. Knowing he had experience with other patients with hip dysplasia who had seen results was very important to me. I put my full faith & trust into him & Dr. Jeremiah. 4 months later, I’m back to my daily yoga practice, have been on a 2 mile walk without pain, dancing freely again, mystery chest pains & tingly hands gone, & only mild discomfort in my knees, hips, lower back & neck. I am so excited to go on hikes this summer, more walks & get back into power/sculpt yoga again. I cannot express my gratitude enough for FFC—for helping me feel strong & confident in my body again.

My healing is a life-long journey that I know can only go up from here thanks to FFC!”

Want more information on chiropractic care and hip pain?
Check out our Hip Pain YouTube Videos.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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