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Reagan’s Story

By July 1, 2024July 8th, 2024No Comments

Hey Stomach, Are You Upset??

Have you ever dealt with a digestive issue?
Tried all sorts of remedies to help alleviate your symptoms?
Watched your loved one suffer and unsure of how to help?
Check out one mom’s story of her journey with her child’s constipation.

Reagan's Story. Improving Digestion With Family First Chiropractic in West Omaha, NE.

Reagan’s mom shares her daughter’s chiropractic success story:

“As a mom, I’m not sure there are many worse feelings than the feeling of hopelessness. We see our children suffering and, despite our valiant efforts, nothing seems to help. My youngest daughter, Reagan, suffered from constipation since she was about one year old. Oh, how my heart ached as I watched her wail… years streaming down her face and then down mine as well. I tried so many different “cures” …. suppositories, prunes, prune juice, a variety of laxatives, an intake in high-fiber foods, and many others. Miralax provided some type of relief for her but only after making it obvious that she was in horrible pain. The Miralax itself caused her painful cramping, and I found it so difficult to find the right dosage for her. Either I didn’t give her enough, or I gave her too much and we had to change her clothes 2-3 times a day. Trying to get her to take the Miralax was a feat in and of itself. I’d put it in applesauce, chocolate milk, pudding, soup, and even resorted to putting it in sugar free snow cone syrup. Anything to get my baby some relief!

I can’t tell you how stressful swimming made me. I sighed a huge breath of relief each time we could make it out of a pool without her having an “accident” that would close the pool. Praise God it never happened, but the thought of that possibility put a major damper on every water event we attended. I remember running to find the nearest bathroom at Adventureland because the Miralax made her stool so runny that she was literally covered in it. I didn’t know what to do! And the longer I let this go on, the worse I knew the problem would become and it would eventually lead to a bigger issue.

Here’s where I kick myself…. I was talking to a friend early on about Reagan’s constipation. She told me to try going to a chiropractor. I clearly remember thinking “A chiropractor? For constipation? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Well, to say that I’m now “eating crow” is an understatement. We started bringing Reagan to Dr. Joel 14 months ago and within months she was completely off Miralax and the prune juice and every other “cure” I so desperately tried. Reagan is now 6 years old. You would never know that she suffered so horribly from constipation. Sometimes it’s easy for me to be upset with myself for not listening sooner to that friend. But, in this case, it is definitely “better late than never.” Reagan might not be able to thank me for bringing her to Dr. Joel, but when I see her running around pain-free and think about the stress that used to come with constipation, that is all the thanks I need!”

Still wondering how chiropractic can help with constipation or digestive problems?

Check out our page on Digestive Disorders to learn how chiropractic care can help you, your family and friends with digestive issues!

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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