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Proper Posture to Prevent Knee Pain | Chiropractor for Knee Pain in West Omaha, NE

Proper Posture to Prevent Knee Pain | Chiropractor for Knee Pain in West Omaha, NE

Hey there Dr. Jeremiah Sample and I’m here today with Family First Chiropractic. Today we’re going to be talking about the importance of maintaining proper posture to prevent knee pain from developing in the first place.

Proper Posture

Now ideally, when we’re talking posture, what we want is the shoulders and the hips to be leve’ with the head on straight, eyes, even with the horizon. What this looks like is head above the shoulders, above the hips, above the knee and above the ankles. Now, when we have proper posture, what that does is it sets us up for success in how we move and how our muscles work. So if you’re working in proper posture, all your muscles are firing evenly with each step that you take, or however long you stand. Now, if this does happen to change, or you get a subluxation in your pelvis, or in the lumbar spine, it can shift your hips off. Now, instead of gyrating properly, when you walk, take that pressure off and what happens is they’ll lock and then it starts to shift your gait. Now you’re gonna start putting weight unevenly side to side on your legs as you walk and as you stand throughout your daily activities.

Importance of Posture for Kids

Now, this isn’t just important for those of us that are grown folk, but young ones as well. As you can see this kneecap here, we call it the patella, it doesn’t actually exist before you start walking and develop the musculature of your legs. So as you fire your quadricep muscles, all of them come down and attached, and over time, it builds up this accessory bone to help protect your knee. Now, if you start off the wrong way, with an uneven posture or uneven musculature, what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna develop one leg more than the other. Okay, and over time, that extra stress is going to wear out one knee more than the other. So maintaining proper posture will ensure that when you’re walking, you’re making sure that each leg takes the load that it should instead of overworking or under utilizing one.

If you have questions about how to maintain proper posture to prevent your knee pain please connect with our office!

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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