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Melanie’s Chiropractic Story

Migraine Relief – Chiropractic Works!

Melanie had several health issues she was struggling with already at the age of 24. She didn’t know what was causing them but she did not want to live this way the rest of her life. When given the opportunity to chat with our clinic director at an event at her workplace, she decided to get her spine checked.

Melanie's Chiropractic Story. Chiropractic Care For Migraine Relief in West Omaha, NE.

Here’s Melanie’s Story:

“Before starting chiropractic care, I had several symptoms that I had no idea were linked to my spine. I had times where I couldn’t concentrate on anything, this happened at work, at home, and with my friends. In addition to my concentration, I suffered from migraines at least once a week, each migraine would last at least 2 days. I would often miss work or social events because of my migraines. I suffer from seasonal allergies that would exacerbate the symptoms of my migraines.

To try and treat my migraines, I tried medicine, over the counter and prescriptions. I tried natural remedies and essential oils. I cut certain foods like chocolate and wine out of my diet because my doctor told me it could help. I could not find anything that helped my migraines. I had to learn to fight through the pain to live my life. I had to take Zyrtec daily to help combat my allergies due to the symptoms that I experienced.

I started to notice my migraines lessen about a month after starting chiropractic care. I started to notice that my migraines reduced to about one every two weeks. While I was still getting migraines, they were less intense and lasted hours instead of days. I no longer have to miss work due to migraines. I no longer have to take a daily allergy pill because my allergy symptoms are no longer as present.

I am grateful for the care and personalization that I have received from the doctors here and the Family First team. I feel that they care about my progress and they ask about my life in a way that shows they care. I am so grateful to learn the tools that help me to keep an adjustment longer so that I don’t have to experience my symptoms in between adjustments. I know what I need to do before and after my adjustments in order to keep my spine, and ultimately my whole body, healthy.”

If you’d like to get a checkup like Melanie did and determine if misalignments in your spine could be the source of your health struggles, give us a call at 402-884-4100. Or Schedule Here.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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