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Mackenzie’s Chiropractic Story

Is The Power Connected?

Your body’s communication is called the Nervous System.

If a bone is out of place it puts pressure on the nerve which can cause discomfort or dysfunction. Think of it like a tripped switch in your body’s power. If you correct the misaligned bone, it relieves pressure from the nerve. Kind of like flipping the switch back on the fuse box.

Mackenzie's Chiropractic Story with Family First Chiropractic in West Omaha, NE. Chiropractic Care Near Me.

Often people walk around with misalignments that are switching the power off in their bodies without them even realizing it– without knowing that is the cause of all sorts of their health struggles. Mackenzie was just like that until she got a chiropractic checkup and learned the source of her problems.

Here’s Her Chiropractic Story:

“I had always been curious about chiropractic care for various unhealthy symptoms I had been experiencing for as long as I could remember– digestive issues, fluctuating weight, chronic snoring, and infertility. I had seen multiple professionals in the different specialties for the symptoms I was experiencing but there was never a solution- until I snagged lunch at vitality bowls and met the team from Family First Chiropractic.

After my first visit to the office, I immediately knew I had found something special and care that was going to change my life. Over the past 5 months my quality of life has skyrocketed! Not only have my digestive issues and weight fluctuations drastically decreased (I’m down 5 lbs. with no change in exercise or diet!) but my sleep, energy and snoring have improved in the most positive ways. The biggest improvement, and most important to my husband and me, has been my struggles with infertility (PCOS). I had gone 7+ months without a cycle and I am blown away to share I have had a healthy cycle for the last 5 months!

I am truly grateful for the new quality of life I’ve been given by the doctors and the entire team. You are in the best of hands at this office. I know you’re on your way to a happy and healthier lifestyle being here.”

If you’d like to get a checkup like Mackenzie did and determine if misalignments in your spine could be the source of your health struggles, give us a call at 402-884-4100.
Or Schedule Here.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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