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Kim’s Chiropractic Success Story


How Chiropractic Care Helped Me Move Forward!

Everyone has their own health journey and is seeking out a path, an answer. Sometimes our bodies try to tell us something and sometimes we listen. But, sometimes we don’t even know it’s not normal to feel this way. And other times we tell ourselves that this is just the way it is going to be. But then we get fed up and we know deep down that there must be a way forward that doesn’t involve living the unhealthy life we are living.

Here’s Kim’s story:

I’ve always been a very busy, active and focused person, I have a perspective about time, 1 minute isn’t a lot of time, but if you had to hold a plank, wall sit, pull ups, or do burpees, for 1 minute- it hurts! BUT wildly effective. So, if you consider what you can accomplish in 20 minutes, vs doing nothing, it’s huge. I choose to always be doing something. Something that matters and moves me and my family or peers forward. Nothing grand, just forward by not disrespecting the value in time.

But, in early 2020 I had a “stop me in my tracks” issue with what I learned was my sciatic nerve, I went to the ER, they prescribed a pain med, and muscle relaxer, and after a couple days the worst of the pain went away, enough for me to ignore it and move on. There was no discussion about sources of the pain, or recommendations – just sent me home. I managed fairly well with exercise and deep stretching for a while, but realized I was having more frequent recurring pain. It just simply never actually healed or went away. That was the beginning of my denial phase and learning to live with pain. (you know- just rub some dirt on it)

When the “stay at home” orders came in 2020-2021 (you remember- all of use that as the measurement time for our memories – pre? or post? COVID) I started working out more aggressively because I was sitting more and much more stressed out, obviously I need to turn back time. I felt a pop in my neck and shoulder during a workout, and that slowed my routine. This created more stress. I understood I needed to move to be healthy, but I simply couldn’t make my body do it without a lot of progressing pain and popping up in new places.

By 2022 I started noticing my left hip hurting nearly all the time, just a dull pain. Eventually it kinda moved along my lower back and it was hard to distinguish what was hurting left hip, right hip, or my lower back in general. By the end of the year the outside of my left leg was numb, my toes ached. My left arm and my index finger were both achy. My neck hurt, I felt like I was losing my hearing and my voice had changed, as if I was always sick.

In 2023 I had given up on sleeping more than a few hours, pain was just too persistent. I had slowly and consistently gained weight over the inactivity, and well, I’m in my 50’s… menopause is no friend to women. I was struggling to walk long distances or for long periods of time. It was impossible to hold children or babies unless I was sitting down. I became less engaged, and more isolated, it was just easier than complaining. So, I kept my issues to myself. But it was all very distracting, and I wasn’t giving anyone or myself 100%.

I have a large family, 6 grown adults 5 men and 1 incredibly strong woman, with 6 partners and 6 active grandsons, that I love to be with. I also have a busy career, it’s high performance and can be demanding, I travel often, I work long hours, and many days in a row without a break. But I love my busy life and my work and my fitness regimen.

I never went the route of seeking a pain medication, I just thought if I could get a good exercise plan rolling, I could lose the weight I’d gained over this time period, and I could fix myself. I really needed to get my life back and get back in control.

But it wasn’t until April 2024 that finally sought help. I’m not sure exactly what made me think of seeking out a Chiropractor, but I was over the pain, I had enough, I was exhausted, and the science just made sense to me. And it felt like it was 1 spot in particular that just needed to pop and all my problems would go away, but I couldn’t reach it. It was simple! Yes, this was determined by my vast medical and anatomy knowledge gained from “Hey Google” Searches. LOL. She sounded so nice, why would she lead me astray.

So, I searched for Chiropractors near me. The line I saw was, “are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? “– uh? Hell yes! I had no real expectation, just pop that spot and I’ll be good forever, and no one would ever have to know. I’m my own lone wolf, right? LOL. Dumb.

The day I went I actually went to the wrong place. It looked like a doctor’s office– sterile, boring, normal, expected. I don’t believe in coincidence or random things, I think this was an intentional moment, I needed to see the ordinary, and next the exceptional and unexpected.

I eventually drove around and located Family First. I was way out of my element when I walked in this office, after seeing the Chiropractor’s office around the block, this office was not at all expected. It was uncomfortable, there was music playing, it didn’t look or feel like a medical office at all- they were about education and information- was it all organic? First sceptic thought? Are these hippies? Do people use that word anymore? But regardless it was PERFECT. 2nd sign that I had learned nothing from “hey Google”.

I shared my symptoms regarding my back and hip, I really had no idea that ALL MY OTHER SYMPTOMS were related to my nerve damage and my spine. Or that they were just as compromised as my lower back was. After getting the information and understanding the process, this was a direct line to freedom, I was 100% on board. I had planned for the worst and hoped for the best, but never expected this experience to have such a positive impact on everything I’m doing. Dr Joel was AMAZING! He spent the time to explain everything to me. But the multiple sessions with Dr Shane gave me my life back. I felt relief almost immediately, although I required weeks of adjustments to really get over the hump. And I still need the weekly checks. I feel like I’ve joined my life again, we had some catching up to do!

I learned that my movements and lack thereof matter even more than I knew. Body and Peace are one, and the staff at Family First help us achieve that. I feel like I have engaged with all staff at some time or another and all are exceptional.

So much so that I was apprehensive about ending our relationship at the end of my initial treatment plan, they’ve become an important part of my heath journey. Keeping me accountable to myself, managing my KPI’s ! but they are offering support when I find myself wavering, maybe it’s reassuring me when I need the atta girl! Whatever it is- Its keeping me on track.

At the end of the day, I believe the Universe directed me to you. She’s had my back more than once. I seldom ignore a great thing. Because after all – all that most people want is to move forward 😊 whatever that means to them.

If you are struggling like Kim and are interested in getting your spine and nervous system assessed, please call 402-884-4100 or visit our Online Scheduler. Maybe this is YOUR path forward.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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