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Fighting Arthritis With Food Chiropractor for Arthritis in West Omaha, NE

Fighting Arthritis With Food | Chiropractor for Arthritis in West Omaha, NE

Hello. I’m Dr. Joel Marley with Family First Chiropractic, and I’m here to talk about how to fight arthritis symptoms with food. The sustenance you take in can further either low or high inflammation, joint stiffness, and even joint pain. The food you eat can be either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory in nature.

Foods That Make Symptoms Worse

Certain foods can provoke and aggravate symptoms. Processed foods, sweets, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats from poor sources only promote systemic inflammation and tend to have a bad impact on the joints.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

An anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce symptoms.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables, Fruits, and Whole Grains: These foods are enriched with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that are useful in lessening pain due to arthritis.
  • Omega-3 Fats: Found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties that improve one’s mobility in the joints. Think of them like the grease or oil inside a hinge.
  • Berries: Rich in vitamin C, berries help in reducing inflammation and the effects of arthritis pain.

You can either fan the flames of inflammation or help to put out the fire with nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods that have been handpicked to fuel or fight inflammation. You see, good food choices can go a long way to reduce the burden of arthritis pain. If you like this video, then don’t forget to check out our other arthritis videos. I’m Dr. Joel Marley with Family First Chiropractic.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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