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Family Chiropractic Care


Our names are Cecil and Kerry. We have been self-employed construction for two decades and we own several rental homes that were in need of repair when we purchased them. We live a bit of a farm life with horses and chickens; building fence and moving panels is a normal for us. We love to travel and experience different areas, that generally requires walking, lots of it. Spending time with our family is priceless, we are grateful for every moment we can get.

Family First Chiropractic in West Omaha, NE. Cecil & Kerry Family Chiropractic Story.

Our Story:

We first heard of Family First Chiropractic when our kids, Dustin and Dolores, were clients. They were excited about their results. The kids convinced Grandma Sherry to make an appointment when she was in tears just trying to sit to play family games. She asked me, Kerry, to her next appointment to view her x-rays…I already knew my mother was going to need treatment but the x-rays showed just how much! It was at this appointment that I watched the welcome video. Our God Designed bodies heal themselves once the subluxation has been corrected so the nerves can work properly! So basic, learned it in school, right? The whole revelation swept over me! The video showed what symptoms you could have just by being a little bit out of whack and how over time the damage can get worse. The scary part was while I thought I didn’t have back issues, many of the symptoms shown I had personally been dealing with, though I kept much of them to myself. An appointment was set for Cecil and I.

For a few years, Cecil and I have been waking up feeling like we were hit by a MACK Truck! Aches and pains all over. We would brush it off as we are getting older and our bed sucks! 😊I would have a hard time putting pressure on my feet. Only thing I could find on how they were feeling was Plantar Fasciitis. Other biggies for me were lack of sleep and more headaches (and Ibuprofen) than I would admit to. Cecil had been dealing with a hurt shoulder for 20 years now. This has kept him from fully enjoying the time with our kids: throwing them footballs, wrestling, shooting trap with them and getting in a few rounds of golf. His shoulder would drastically impede on his daily duties but he would just “pull up his skirt” and journey on.

We met with Dr. Jeremiah. We admit that we were not totally transparent with the intake interview. Who really wants to sound like a whine bag? Both of us had numerous things we were just dealing with and it’s either going to work or it’s not. We then set our initial goals; Cecil to play golf and Kerry just to walk and be able to hike with our kids. Through Dr. Jeremiah’s assessment and our x-rays, we found we were in way worse condition than we had thought. Cecil got emotional at the thought of being one stoop away from throwing his back out and needing surgery to fix it. The idea that he may not be able to do things that need to get done was overwhelming. He’s always been the strong guy that can do everything. I had more of “that explains a lot” and oh my…I’m well on the way of having my mother’s back issues. The news was pretty dismal, yet Dr. Jeremiah gave us hope that treatment could change our current situation. Including that Cecil’s shoulder was misaligned and that could be why his injury wasn’t healing. Then we started chiropractic care.

Family Chiropractic Care in West Omaha, NE. Family First Chiropractic.

My headaches went away after the first week of treatment! A couple months into treatment more improvements were noticed. I was sleeping through the night; we were waking up less stiff and in less pain. Part of that was applying information we learned from the sleep workshop about correct pillow size and better sleeping positions. The pain in my heals was subsiding, if not gone. The curvature of my lower back felt flatter, it had felt like I was doing a back bend all the time. We both had more energy. Cecil noticed more mobility in his shoulder than he had had in years. Soon after, he was able to lift a log chain straight up with Full Range of Motion! This is actually a big deal! Around four months we took a trip to New York and New Jersey. Aside from the endless walking, we were able to hike “The Stairway to Heaven” with some of our kids. It was a short hike of 2.6 miles in and out, but it has 889 feet elevation change with steep inclines and the stairs being rocks of various heights. It is listed as a moderately challenging hike. The same day we climbed to the top of the High Point in New Jersey Monument. It contains 291 stairs! With or without chiropractic care we would have done these things…the difference is in the aftermath! Our legs were a little sore. That’s it! We were elated that we still felt energized, free of pain (I have had knee problems) and had the attitude of “bring on tomorrow”! It’s difficult to convey the difference in feelings, we just know we were in a much better place than we would have been without the care we received at Family First. The bonus is we are able to say we achieved our goals we had set!

Family Chiropractic Care Near Me in West Omaha, NE. Family First Chiropractic.

Other improvements we have seen but didn’t disclose 😉 include: less Fatigued, less Sinus problems, no stiff neck, no more elbow pain, random bouts of tingling and numbness disappeared, less labored breathing, ribs no longer ache, no more bloating after eating, no more feeling like we have IBS, Heartburn is gone…so are the tums, balance is better…tripping for no apparent reason was not cool, we have better attitudes…much more positive! Hands down Family First has made a huge difference in our bodies and lives! We went to thinking we are getting old to being revived again that we still have stuff we’d like to accomplish and see!

Most recently we were able to walk the beaches of San Diego, play for hours in the ocean, ride bikes on the Coastal Highway…even though they were electric and we walked a full day at San Diego Zoo! We were able to enjoy every moment with our nieces and nephew and didn’t have to sit out of any activities!

Sure, we have had a few days when we felt like we could be relapsing in an area, but we realize it is a process and we are not finished yet. That and our activity levels have also increased, so that could also be a factor. There is a belief that we will continue to get better and better. “Younger and younger” as Dr. Jeremiah says!

We are so thankful that our older kids found Family First! My mother keeps improving, Cecil and I keep improving and our three youngest boys, who are involved in high contact sports, are also benefiting from the care at Family First! We pray that more of our family and friends will soon decide to take the initial steps to walk through the doors because Family First changes lives for the better!

If you are struggling with your health and are interested in getting your spine and nervous system assessed, please call 402-884-4100 or visit our Online Scheduler.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.