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Emma’s Story

Chiropractic Care While Pregnant

Just as you feel like you’ve almost made it to the finish line of pregnancy, it always seems like the last stretch lasts 4 million times as long! Eager to hold your precious little one in your arms instead of on your bladder, the days seem to slowly drag on. Except maybe when you have the stressor of the baby being in the wrong position for delivery. Then it just might seem like there isn’t enough time for your little one to wiggle around into a better position. What now??

Pregnancy Chiropractor For Pregnant Moms in West Omaha, NE. Emma's Breech Baby Story.

Here’s what Emma did:

It was 15 degrees, super windy with swirling snowflakes as I stopped Dr. Joel in the parking lot at school pickup. On a whim out of desperation I asked, “Can you flip a breech baby?”

Having a breech baby was familiar territory for me as this also occurred with my third child. In hopes of avoiding a Cesarean I did it all; acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, moxie, laying slanted and bouncing on a ball. Despite all my efforts an External Cephalic Version was performed. It was successful, but uncomfortable and traumatic. When I found out my next baby was breech, I felt discouraged, but all that changed when I passed Dr. Joel on that freezing cold day. I didn’t know him; I only knew he was a chiropractor that I had heard good things about. When I asked him if he could help, he smiled and said, “I’ll give it a shot!”

The following week I was in the Family First Chiropractic Office and within my first four visits the baby had turned head down. I continued to see Dr. Joel and was even adjusted hours before I went into labor. This was my quickest delivery and fastest recovery.

Now Dr. Joel treats all my children. Whether it’s an ear infection, cough, or runny nose, the symptoms are quickly resolved with adjustments and helpful health tips. If you are looking to get healthy and feel your best, I would recommend Dr. Joel and his team. There is no injury or health issue to big- in fact I believe Dr. Joel welcomes the challenge. If you are hesitant about trying chiropractic care or believe it to be a little wacky…. with a confident smile on my face I can say, “Give it a shot!”

To learn more about how chiropractic can help you with your pregnancy, visit our Pregnancy Page.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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