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Doug’s Story

Cause and Effect – How Chiropractic Treats The Underlying Cause

Cause and effect. We learn about it in elementary school. Do this and that happens. Sometimes we are surprised by the impact certain things can have on other aspects of our lives.

Family First Chiropractic in West Omaha, NE. Doug's Chiropractic Story.

Take Doug for example- he was dealing with debilitating shoulder pain. It was after a series of events he learned he was not addressing the CAUSE. And just addressing the EFFECT.

“Who knew that fixing the spine could help my shoulder?! Before getting adjusted I had to have my wife help me put on my shirts and socks/shoes because I couldn’t move either shoulder. It started with my right shoulder and then after babying it proceeded to cause issues with my left shoulder. After that, it all went downhill! I relied on others for simple things much more than anyone would want. I tried 3 weeks of physical therapy and 2 weeks after I graduated from PT, I was back to both shoulders being stiff and unusable. One time my son went to jump off the couch. I knew I needed to protect him but was terrified of the pain I would endure by doing so. It was then that I decided to follow my wife’s lead and get my spine checked. Within the first month I noticed I could turn my head better while driving. About 2 months in I knew things were improving because I could put on my own socks and shoes. Now, I can swing a golf club! In addition, I rarely get colds anymore, and I used to get at least one wicked one every winter. I have learned that your spine controls everything. We never consider that the symptoms we are treating are not the problem, but just the effect.”

Are you looking for the root cause of your health struggles?

Start with a spinal checkup.

Just like Doug, you might be surprised to find the answers there.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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