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Christine’s Story

Chiropractic Care For Busy Moms

Hey Mamas! – Time To Put Yourself First!!

Sometimes we try to do it all. We think tending to everyone else’s needs is the most important thing we can do. It’s common for a mom to make sure everyone else is healthy and happy while depleting her own tank, so to speak. At Family First we often remind people that in order to take care of others you must first take care of yourself. You will be no good to anyone when you are broken down from all your health challenges.

Chiropractic Care For Busy Moms Near Me in Omaha, NE.

So here’s our reminder to all you moms out there—it’s time to take care of yourself—FIRST.

Here’s a story of a mom, Christine, who realized it is a good thing to put herself on the list of people to take care of:

“I initially came to Family First Chiropractic to help my daughter get relief from frequent ear infections and decided that I should get my spine checked as well. I had been dealing with pain and tightness in my neck and shoulders since I was 13 years old. I attributed it to the fact that my shoulders were rolled forward and I had poor posture. The pain would be so intense at times that it would mess up my vision and cause headaches. I also had terrible allergy/sinus issues and suffered from daily headaches, which made me cranky.

As a mom and teacher, a lot of my day is centered on the needs of children. I had a hard time getting up off the floor after teaching lessons at work. Home life with my daughter was challenging too, especially at bath time. Things like leaning over the tub made the pain so much worse. I was constantly taking Advil to try to get some relief and would see another chiropractic on an occasional basis, but never regularly. I also tried massage and took over-the-counter medications for my allergy issues, but nothing really helped. After being under regular care here, I have had a significant decrease in my neck and shoulder pain. Being a mom has become much more doable and fun, even bath time is easier! I sleep better, have less allergy & sinus issues, and have better posture overall. I have even been able to decrease my pain and allergy medications and I was able to start going to Pilates-which I love!

I used to worry about the level of commitment it would take to be under regular care, and honestly that deterred me for a while. The Family First team is incredibly flexible and willing to work with schedule and the text reminders help keep me on track for my appointments! I love that they encourage you to make lifestyle changes on a small level so that you aren’t setting unachievable goals. Everyone here is always happy to see you and greets you by name when you walk in the door. It is very important to me that they are family based and care about our well-being, not just providing a service. My daughter and I love coming in for our adjustments and she loves getting her sticker from the ladies at the front desk every time!”

Visit our Chiropractic Care page to learn more about the benefits of regular chiropractic care.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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