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Angie’s Story

How Long Does it Take?

It’s a question we often get. How long will this take? Why hasn’t my “insert symptom here” gone away?

The truth of the matter is – we don’t know how long it will take. We do know that your body is smart, and it is self-healing. We know that the innate intelligence that is inside of you knows what it needs to heal first. And we know that we only feel 10% of our nerves and the other 90% are controlling the functions of the body. When getting adjusted we are required to trust in our body’s innate ability to adapt and heal. And in our chiropractor to remove any interference to that process.

How Long Does Chiropractic Care Take To Heal The Body? Family First Chiropractic in West Omaha, NE.

You can even ask some of our patients, and they will share their story of almost giving up on chiropractic—on themselves.
But when they don’t, they have amazing stories to tell just like Angie!

Here’s Angie’s story:

“I was one to ignore my health problems. I figured maybe if I ignored them long enough, they just might go away. I’ve been dealing with headaches, and they’ve gotten so bad I didn’t know what it was like to not have a headache. I went to a chiropractor when I was little and it did help with my headaches and I started to experience back pain and developed a knot under my shoulder blade, so I figured it may be time to find a chiropractor again. I went to a wedding for a high school friend, where my chiropractor ended up finding me!

I went to high school with Dr. Joel and we reunited at a mutual friend’s wedding. I found out that he was now a chiropractor and I was explaining to him what a mess I was. He of course told me to come get checked and “he would be the judge of that”. He eventually agreed with me that I was a mess.

After my first adjustment, everything seemed to get terribly worse. My whole right side was numb- arm, face, leg…I was reminded that it is common for my body to respond this way. But soon enough, my problems started going away in the order they had “gotten worse”. After a month or so, the shoulder pain was gone and my back pain had subsided. My headaches began to decrease in intensity. I never realized I had energy issues, but with chiropractic, my energy levels are so much better. I’m friendlier and my husband has noticed my mood swings are less frequent as well. Also, each year when I get my eyes checked, my prescription gets better. It did take almost 2 years for me to actually “feel good” though. I ignored my health for a long time, so in return, I had a longer journey to regain my health.

My husband is under care as well and I don’t have to worry about pushing him around in a wheelchair in 5 years. My three sons have been checked shortly after birth and still get adjusted regularly. As with everything, I’ve had my setbacks- especially with child birth. But, I know that my body is still doing what it does best, and it will heal itself as long as I continue with adjustments.”

Visit our Chiropractic Care page to learn more about the benefits of regular chiropractic care.

Family First Chiropractic

It’s different here. That is something we hear often at Family First Chiropractic, and we take pride in the fact that we are different from many chiropractic offices you may have been in. That certainly doesn’t mean we are the right fit for everyone, but here at Family First Chiropractic, we make an effort to help you know if we are the right fit for you.

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