3 Natural Strategies to Alleviate Digestive Issues | Chiropractor for Digestion in West Omaha,NE
Hey there, Dr. Jeremiah Sample from Family First Chiropractic and today we’ll talk to you about three natural strategies to alleviate issues and the symptoms caused by digestive issues. Now, when we talk about digestive issues I’m going to do so in a broad sense, meaning it could be upper or lower, we’ll be talking too fast, too slow, trouble keeping food down and all the above.
Digestive Issues Relief Options
Alright, the first thing that we need to look at is, what are you putting in your body, right? So the helpful tip is to keep a detailed food log, to know exactly what you eat throughout the day, and this will give you a more accurate description of how you could help make it easier for you to digest your food and for you to get the proper nutrition. For instance, is your diet filled with maybe too much junk food and not enough nutritional options. Best way to figure that out is to write it down. Second, we can also look at proper posture, okay? What I’m talking about is the head above the shoulders and the hips. It’s also important to be utilizing that with breath control. So what I like to do is bring your shoulders up as high as possible, hold them there for two Mississippi, and then back as far as possible for two Mississippi. Now as you breathe, understand that when you take a breath in, it isn’t through the chest, it’s actually through the diaphragm. So when I take a breath in, I want to expand that stomach, pulling my diaphragm down and pushing my belly out. Okay, third thing you should look at is have your spine checked by a chiropractor, right? The nerves that lead from the brain down to the intestines all travel through here. Now if you have a misaligned spine, or a subluxation, what it will do is it will change the transmission and how the body receives those messages, and how by send those messages back up.
By eliminating that subluxation you can make sure that the brain to gut connection is properly restored! If you have any questions about digestive issues please reach out us!